The Great Migration


The Great Migration appeared in 1915 until 1960, this Great Migration was a mass movement about 6 millions Blacks coming from the South, who were slave places, of going to the North and West of America. It is the largest migration in the story of the United States. Black peaple wanted to escape racism and lyching and find job in the industry, no wanting to work in the fields since the abolition of slavery and having had multiple bad harvests because of the land that has become bad. There was also more injustices and opressions in the southern cities.



It was during First World War that there was a real great migratory movement among Blacks, at least more than a million and half Afro-Americans, between 1920 and 1920, coming from South going to the big cities of the North as Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, Pennsylvanie, Pittsburg and New York, Contrarly, between 1940 and 1940 (especially during the Second World War ) where 3 millions of Blacks people moved to West, to Los Angeles, California, Oakland, San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, Seattle and Washigton’s states. This suited cities and bussinesses that needed a lot of workers, they also provided them with free railroad passes for blacks people, as Pennsylvania Railroad so desesperately needed workers that it paid the travel expenses of at least 12000 Blacks.


The black population in the northern states increased by 40% (between 1910 and 1930). African-Americans migrated individually or in small family groups. In the North, better schools could be found and adult men had the right to vote (as well as women after 1920).